Anyway, I came across a really good deal at Kroger this week for Pillsbury Crescent Rolls and Pillsbury ready to bake Cinnamon Rolls. Yes, the kind in the can. Some of you may be surprised to hear that The Quitsch Kitch uses refrigerated cinnamon rolls and doesn't make her own. Please, people!! While The Quitsch Kitch can (and has) made delicious homemade cinnamon rolls, and enjoys doing so, Mr. Quitsch Kitch couldn't honestly care less, so when he is the main partaker of the cinnamon roll, The Quitsch Kitch is glad to pop open a can!!
However, I digress. I found a good deal on them at Kroger - the small cans (of both Crescent*4 count and Cinnamon Rolls*5 count) were on sale 10/$10 - making them $1.00 each. I had coupons for .50/2 - which my Kroger doubles to $1.00, essentially making each can of Crescents and Cinnamons .50cents each. So basically, I was getting a full roll of 8 of the crescents for $1.00, and I was getting a big roll of 10 cinnamon rolls for $1.00.
When I got my bonanza of breads home, though, I quickly realized that I didn't have enough room in my fridge (let's face it, 16 cans of crescent rolls - even the small ones take up a lot of space!!) What's a girl to do?? I quickly thought about how I could salvage my money saving deal without overloading Mr. Quitsch Kitch on crescents and cinnamon rolls every meal this week.
I went to my storage drawer and retrieved my handy-dandy roll of waxed paper and gallon sized freezer bags, and went to work. I popped open each can of crescent rolls, and rolled each "naked" roll individually in waxed paper, then placed them in the freezer bag. I was able to get 8 individually wrapped rolls in one gallon sized freezer bag. I did the same thing with the cinnamon rolls - and yes, I wrapped the icing up with them. I was able to get 4 wrapped rolls of the cinnamons in a gallon freezer bag. I labeled the bag with the date and contents. Now when I the make Mr. Quitsch Kitch happy, I'll just pull out a roll of waxed paper and bake. I imagine I will have to allow for thawing time for the crescents, but it's a small price to pay. I do love saving money!!

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