So, Valentine's Day is quickly approaching us, and nothing says "I Luuuuuuuve You" like some lovin' from your oven. (Well, actually that's not true, but it sounds really good for the purpose of this blog!!)
I love playing with recipes. I like to tweak them, add a little summin' summin', take away something that I don't particularly like, or just explore something new...taking an old reliable recipe to another level.
That's what I've done with this recipe. The stand-by recipe is Cream Cheese Cookies, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with the original recipe....except for the fact that when I went to make some the other night, I didn't have a yellow cake mix. I did, however, have a Red Velvet cake mix. And voila, the Red Velvet Whoopie Cookie was born. It's really simple, and it will be perfect for St. Valentine's Day. So whip up a batch of Whoopie Cookies, and say "I Luuuuuuuuve You!!"
The Cookie Part:
8 oz Cream Cheese, softened
1/2 stick butter, softened
1 egg yolk
1/2 tsp vanilla
1 box Red Velvet Cake Mix
Cream the butter and cream cheese together, add the egg yolk and vanilla. Blend well. Add the cake mix in 3 parts, beating well after each 1/3. Cover and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
Drop by teaspoon onto prepared cookie sheet (I like to line mine with parchment paper and be done with it!!) and bake at 375 for 8 minutes. Don't over bake. (They will be soft when you bring them out of the oven, but will firm up a little after chilled.) Let them cool enough to take them off the cookie sheet, then chill them in the fridge for an hour.
For the Whoopie Part
8 oz cream cheese, softened
1/2 cup marshmallow cream
Blend together until smooth.
Fill your cookies with 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of whoopie (depending on how big you made your cookies). Gently press them together to smush the whoopie to the edge of the cookie. Chill until cool. Store covered in the fridge if you have any left over.